Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Cage The Elephant - Around My Head (Live/Acoustic)

This song... I really can empathize with him...

Cage The Elephant - Around My Head (Live/Acoustic)

Cage the Elephant - Ain't No Rest For The Wicked

Cage the Elephant - Ain't No Rest For The Wicked

Mumford and Sons Playlist

This song is so wonderful....

Mumford and Sons Playlist

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

This journey I am finding myself on

I have always known that I was meant to write, but many of my ideas of what it was were just ideas....
So last night I sat down and just started to write...
After a few failed attempts the following little story was born...
I guess that my story is what is needing to be told so I hope you all join me on this journey to see where it leads us.....

I met some interesting people along the way when I took my trip just like I knew I would. It is my goal to not just meet as many people as I can along this path we call life, but to make a lasting impression on each one I encounter.
When I got to the airport it was so interesting just to stand in the line waiting for the security check. I may have been the only person there that was totally ok with just watching others. There were the two guys that were going on a ski vacation and apparently the women stayed at home and they could not be happier. While most women would assume that their men are standing there talking about how glad they are to be away and look for some new plaything to fill the days, these women would be happy to know that is not the conversation that I witnessed at all. These guys were talking about how glad they were that the chicks were letting them go. I envisioned these two guys to have been friends from way back by the way they talked. The one guy (we will call him Bob) says ‘Man I cannot believe this is finally going to happen’. The other (let’s call him Larry) says ‘Yea when we talked about this years ago we never knew that we would have to wait so long but how great is it going to be to spend a week doing nothing but our stuff?’ Bob replies ‘Dude the two of us on the slopes finally. No jobs, No kids, No deadlines.’ Larry tells him ‘Look we have worked hard and our ladies are holding down the home front. We knew what we were doing when we picked them. Let’s go have fun…’. To which Bob said 'Seriously we have to take off our shoes here? That is when they lost my attention to the cutest little family….
The girl looked around 13 and I could picture her as a Bre the boy at least 16 and most certainly he was a Thad! Mom and Dad absolutely a Tom and Mary bless their hearts they were trying to connect, but technology was getting in the way. Tom looked like his head might explode and Mary just seemed to want to keep everyone happy at least long enough to board the plane.  As I watched Bre in her neon and black clothing that reminded me of Goth meets the 80’s I thought to myself wow is that where my daughter is heading? Lord help me when Grunge returns…. She seemed to be at least sympathetic to what her mom was trying to achieve. Thad on the other hand was more interested in whoever he was texting and irritated by the whole concept of security (who knew this 16 year old boy had it all figured out, I mean just look at us mom could we really be a threat?) than whatever wonderful vacation that Mary kept telling them they would have so much fun on. Bless her heart I hope it all turned out ok.
Then was the boy and his dad that if I knew more about sports and who was playing I would swear they only came in for a game of some sort. They were both wearing jerseys from another state and grinning from ear to ear ready to get home and celebrate with the town! So whoever they were the team they were there to see came out victorious!

Next was the security guy. I had only had around 5 hours of sleep in almost 48 hours at that point so I was guzzling my Mt. Dew (after only drinking water for a week that was pretty hard core lol). This guard was so funny he must have known the look I had because he told me to keep the drink until I had loaded my stuff on the belt, could not have me wasting what looked so important lol

After making it through security I sat there looking at the drizzle that was starting to pour from the window and became so thankful that I would not have to be here for the impeding ice and sleet that good ole’ Ed Buckner was promising would occur. I had my feet propped up on my suitcase trying to contain the combination of excitement, nervousness, glee and tiredness when “Bertha” was rolled up. This lady bless her heart was not happy with the world around her. As I mentioned the lingering tiredness was setting in as I sat still for the first time in what seemed to be days… So I nodded off and when I did my feet fell from my carry on and I jarred myself awake just in time to see the carry on roll into Bertha’s wheelchair. I swear if looks could kill I would not have made it on that plane. But me the ever optimist apologized and got my suitcase off of her lap with a smile. I then did something that apparently nobody else had thought to do with her in a while, I had a conversation. Once I found out that she had recently had surgery and was on her way to stay with her son in Florida that she had not seen in years while she healed I understood her look that was plastered on her face when I first saw her. She was also in a state of excited nervousness. She had not seen him in so long she did not have a clue how to act or what to say. She wanted to scoop him up and love on him but she did not want to freak him out. I told her to just show her love through acts of kindness. Do not try to ‘buy his affection’ or spend a lot of time telling him how sorry she was that so much time had passed since she had seen him. I recommended that she just show him by doing things that might make his life a little easier so that they would be able to spend more time together. By the time ole’ Bertha was whisked away with the flight attendant I swear I saw a smile on her face and she seemed so much more at ease. I would like to think that she and her son are still down there learning new things about each other as each moment breezes past them!

Once I boarded the plane in my window seat right over the wings I started snapping pictures out the window. This gentleman next to me who I would guess was in his late 50’s early 60’s says ‘Do you fly much?’ This was the opening line to a conversation that totally changed the way I was viewing my trip in only an hour. He suggested that I quit worrying about how to act and start remembering who I am. He had some great advice that I will share with many more for years to come ‘Always be yourself and NEVER STOP SMILING’ such simple words but yet they had so much of an impact. I have spent all this time in my life trying to be someone that other people want me to be that I forgot who I was and what I wanted in life. All you need is your personality and your smile to make it in this rat race. I wish I knew who he was and hopefully one day there will be a way for me to let him know that he took whatever nerves I had and put them to bed!

After I switched planes in Dallas my seatmates were a totally different story the one lady beside me was Spanish and the guy on the other side, not going to even try to guess his nationality, but he was not American.  This experience was much simpler the poor lady beside me could not stop coughing and of course I had Sudafed in my purse and the language barrier did not keep her from understanding this would help her cough. That being taken care of I plugged in my ear buds and fell in love with a band my wonderful brother out-law loaded on my mp3 player to check out called Cage the Elephant. If you have not heard of them you should go take a gander. Kinda reminds me of Nirvana meets Bush the early years on some of the songs. Other ones have a totally different sound and to me if a band can do that all within just a few songs… that takes talent……
By the time the wheels touched down in Florida I was so refreshed and ready to start my vacation. After all the excitement I had on my way to that point I just knew the rest of my trip would put me right where I needed to be when I needed to be there!

So that is all I got so far... hope you enjoyed it.... until next time remember your smile can change the course of one single person more than you may ever know and it really does only take ONE PERSON!!!!